Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ode to the toad and Gage-O

My darling boy is 6 years old going on 15. He has such a strong yet subtle personality. He is wonderfully vocal...meaning he has a huge vocabulary and uses terms correctly. But also can be subdued and mysterious. We have an unspoken bond literally. I know what hes thinking and can usually tell exactly what im thinking. Hes amazing!

Gage loves his snow boots and wants to try new things, although he easily discourages himself, hes good at everything. He has turned out to be absolutely gorgeous. With a strong square jaw line and clear blue eyes. If I had to pick a word to describe Gage it would be lion-hearted. Hes my little tender heart. I cant believe hes growing up so fast. He truly captured me on day one. If I could spend the rest of my life just sitting and watching him, taking in his presence, I would be truly content. A squeeze from baby-gage makes my heart melt every time.

My Toad(MacKelty) is my joy. Shes light-hearted fun all the way around. She trots around the house making noises and acting like a grown up. My little girl is ALL girl. She takes after me....she loves shoes(So does gage). She lifts my spirits and brings fun into our home. Although she potty training shes been an angel. Kelty is mischievious but honest. Ive never seen a more loving and truly honest person ever. Shes pure love....especially to her brother.

I love both my kids and couldnt ask for more. Both have been an absolute blessing and a wonder. They teach me everyday. Theyre my best friends and most precious blessing. Our personalities, granted theyre still little, match completely. My babies are the perfect compliment to eachother and to me. I would never be able to express anything in words how much I love them. They are my joy, my life, my reason for carrying on, my everything.

The best blessing Ive been given is to have a small glimpse and a minute understanding of what it is that Heavenly Father feels for me. What a wonderful thing it is to have children. Pure blessings.

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