Sunday, January 2, 2011

it was like breaking up with a boyfriend

So I was parousing facebook and came across a group to join from my old dance troop. Its called Cloggers Ala Carte/Thunder and Lightning Cloggers. As soon as I saw it there was a lump in my throat. I had such a wonderful time with all these fabulous people from my childhood that I couldnt help but get all choked up. Such fun memories of dancing and hanging out with friends. I went on my first plane ride with these people, went on my first big trip(w/o my parents) with this group, and had alot of just plain old good times with them.

I cant help but remember when my parents and I chose not to go back one year. I was 14 and completely devastated. Really, honestly devastated. We chose not to go back because of the team that I was placed on. My parents were unwilling to pay for anymore lessons if I wasnt going to be on the "good team". Plus some other drama went down Im not willing to discuss on a blog. I remember my mom telling me on a summer afternoon, the team that I had been placed on and who else was on the team. I felt horrible about it because i was no longer with any of the people that i had previously danced with. For a chubby adolescent it just cemented the fact that I was too fat to be on the "good team". I stewed for days over not picking my legs up enough, or being too fat to fit in, or being too chicken and big to try any lifts. The absolute worst thing for me was leaving the people. I truly loved the kids i danced with. But life had to go on.

I didnt want to quit dancing altogether so my parents decided they would put me in over at Castleview. I was detraught over leaving CAC but my school friends danced at Castleview, so it wasnt too much of a stretch. Castleview made me try out for a team because I entered the season a little late. I was scared out of my mind! I had never been in such a huge fancy studio. They had beautiful rosined floors and mirrors almost all the way around. Not to mention there were like 4 studios in the one building. After feeling like a fat failure at age 14, I decided all I could do was do the best i could and they would put me on a team that fit my skill level.

And guess what! Booyah! They put me on 3 of their best teams! And I turned pro at age 16. I started taking 1st place in freestyle everytime i competed. Not to mention, I never got lower than 2nd place on any team, duet, or freestyle event. And all it took was a little tweaking from a professional dance instructor. My first teacher at Castleview pulled me aside and told me that I always danced with my things too close together and thats why I didnt look like I was picking my legs up as high. That was a hard habit to break but it corrected all the bad habbits no one had bothered to study before.
It was a smoothe transition, and some of the best times in my life. It was well worth it for my parents to let me feel the pain of losing my dance partners in turn for placing me in a positive environment where I could grow as a dancer and a person. I had some of THE BEST times of my life at Castleview.....and at CAC.
I do miss Cloggers Ala Carte. I miss the people. I wonder if they still remember me and my family?

1 comment:

  1. I saw those pictures that had you tagged in them. I was in awe and slightly jealous. :D I can't dance. I utterly and completely wish I could dance, my soul longs to be out there, but I cannot dance. I never had classes when I was young, and I was the only one out of my siblings who was left out of such a childhood activity. I am also WAAAAY to self conscious to dance. People think I'll have fun if they drag me out there with them, but the whole time I feel like a ridiculous fat idiot and I feel nothing but relief when I finally sit down. Your pics on FB are awesome though. :D
