Thursday, February 28, 2013


i dont have much of anything on my mind today. other than i need to lose some weight! i didnt go to weight watchers in january and have been putting off. im a terrible eater and eat waaaaaay too much salt, im guessing because i eat way too much fast food. and since i consume way too much salt, my BP is a little elevated. the last reading this morning was 135/90. omg, i am pre-hypertensive!

so, i need to drop a few. i'll keep ya'll posted on my weight loss journey.

Friday, February 22, 2013

hey, who are you?

just a little experiment. i have no idea who reads my blog...except for a couple of people :).

i dont care who reads it. i just ask that you leave a can be anonymous.....or not. just leave some sort of comment.

are my random ramblings getting to anyone?