Monday, November 12, 2012

top 5 fave songs and thought on 29

top 5 favorite

starting with the bottom..............

#5-Shes a brick by Ben Folds 5.....mmmm love this song, it got me through some of the dark cloud days.

#4-I wanna grow old with you by Adam Sandler in The Wedding Singer.........its so awesome and it was on my wedding cd to jay on the day we got married.

#3-Shenendoah. its just beautiful! and a real piece of my opinion.

#2-Goin Where The Wind Blows by Mr. Big. i love his raspy voice and it reminds me of a great time in my life.

#1- Stairway To Heaven by Led Zeppellin. I lovvvvvve this song and it will always be #1! some of the others in my top 5 may vary and change but this one is the best! I love it musically and poetically. My very favorite part is the first key change at the ending of the intro! mmmmm, its great! give it a listen.

And a notable mention goes to Dave Matthews band. I love him and his songs. Some DMB songs interchange themselves in and out of the top 5. Im a big lover of music but Im starting to feel like all the new music is just noise. must be my old age.

Can we talk about being 29 years old? Well, we are now. Being 29 is a little weird. I never thought i would ever get this old until it happened. I feel a little loser-ish 'cause a 29 year old should have a good career. I dont. My "lackee" job is just driving me nuts and something must be done about this! although, i feel like the rest of my life is on par. I have 3 beautiful children and a wonderful husband. Our "situation"(living in the basement) is slowly getting better. Its taking alot longer than i thought though. Sucks to be a basement dweller again. frowny face!
So, in my old age i have learned a few things. New music now sounds like cats drowning. Things like family and good "real" friends matter and the "leeches, who are side vamps" must go. Its not worth it to keep dumb people that dont care about you around yourself. And taco roll ups are tasty!
The ripe old age of 29 is pretty awesome! im way more confident in myself and much more positive. even though it may not look like ive made a huge amount of progress monetarily, i have all that matters to me. I count my blessing everyday and hope to be WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY old! i'll bet when im 99 years old i'll say the same thing: "i never thought i would be this old".

29 is awesome!

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