Thursday, December 30, 2010

no resolutions for me!

This year I was going to make a new years resolution....but, I never complete them..or get remotely close to completing them.

So, this year I am just going to continue on the road of making "lifestyle changes". Who cares if its just a different term for resolution! "Lifestyle change" helps me wrap my brain around it.

My first lifestyle change is to just move around might help me lose some weight. The second lifestyle change is one that im continuing from last year. Its to have more color in my food(greens and other colorful things on my plate...not artificially colored....naturally colorful).

Heres a wonderful list of liestyle changes that have already been made and ongoing and some new ones i would like to implement.

-i would like to get out and go walking in the mornings......dont know if it'll ever happen but i would like to.
-im going to get my garden looking good again...i already love gardening, but i want to get the backyard done
-i want my life to be filled with experiences, this year im going to get out and get my kids into nature
-i would like to make the change of visiting family more

well, theres just a few. Im also keeping the same old ones like finish school blah blah blah. I hope I'll be able to finish school eventually.

1 comment:

  1. I hope I can finish school too.. I just don't want to study what I was studying but I don't want to start over. And it's almost like I HAVE to finish school because I almost can't even survive without living off of school grants. :\ *YAY* (sarcasm.. woot!)
    I always make resolutions.. and I'm pretty good about keeping them for the first few months. I should write a blog about it instead of a book as your comment. ;)
