Saturday, December 15, 2012

i stole this from sariah

Just another Q&A ...................thanks rie pie! i totally stole this Q&A!

Beverage: pepsi, im learning to really like water though
Color: pink, but i like alot of colors
Desert: chocolate molten cake, anything chocolatey :)
Food: anything at a restaurant, im not too picky
Article of clothing: sweaters and jackets
Meal of the day: Dinner
Feature of yourself: im funny and upfront
Best quality in a guy/girl: the ability to accept others just as they are
Phrase: "for real!"
Song: at this moment...pontoon
Musical Artist/Band: i love too many to name
Sport: baseball!
Movie: gone in 60 seconds
TV Show: Breaking Bad
Radio Station: 97.1 ZHT and 101.9 the end
Number: 3
Day of the week: any day that im not working
Season: anything but winter
Restaurant: applebees or chilis
Type of music: almost everything, im even digging some smoothe jazz every now and then
Time of day: night! after work, i do love early mornings in the spring and summer
Place to chill: the basement
Scripture Hero: moroni or the stripling warriors mamas
Siblings: just 1- ashley
Book: the grapes of wrath and crime and punishment
Cash or Card: Card
Are you happy: mostly
Current mood: annoyed at my back hurting
Your best trait/characteristic: My sense of humor
Your worst trait/characteristic: im usually pretty anxiety riddled, i tend to get stuck on my goals and rehash and rehash and rehash
Your most prized possession: My babies
The best thing to happen to you in your life: having gage when i did, he saved my life. marrying jay and having my girls
Do you live in a home, apartment, duplex or mobile home: moms basement :(
Do you live in the city, suburbs or country: the burbs is where its at!
Do you believe in yourself: sure do
Any pets: a cat named bullet
Your zodiac sign: i am a double scorpio......i know, be afraid :)
Nickname: aer, babe
Church calling: primary teacher
Something cool about you: i have hidden crazy tongue tricks and some other ones like being able plow through anything to reach a goal
Do you save your money or spend it when you get your hands on it: i spend the money i have budgeted to spend and usually save what i can. im obsesses with hoarding money
The one person you can trust with any thing: jay
Favorite website: dont have a fave
Your current car: pontiac sunfire
Is the glass half empty or half full: all the way full!
Fast Food or Restaurant: restaurant
Sleeping or Eating: cant get enough of either
Favorite Holiday: halloween and 4th of july
Talking or Listen to someone talk: both
Something random: i hate vomiting
Personality or Looks: when you love someone for just who they are they become attractive, there is always something beautiful or handsome about everyone.
Best advice you've ever received: listen to your mama and be yourself
Set your own path or follow the crowd: Ive been walking on my own trail for a while now
Are you laid back or high strung: high strung at times but i can be mello too
What annoys you most in a person: stinky attitudes
What's one thing that you have done that you're most proud of: got to the temple and had my babies
If you could be anyone who existed in the world, who would you be: i would like to be myself just stinkin filthy rich!
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be: getting my back fixed, oh its killing me today
One thing you can't live without: my family

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