Tuesday, October 2, 2012

im not dead

well, its been a while since ive written on this blog. i needed some time to clear my head and not make all my neurotic ways public.
nothing much has happened since my last post. we moved from our old house and into moms basement. its been ok but certainly has been a weird and different experience.  Kelty started school, kindergarten to be specific. she loves school and is doing well. The school wont let herplay on the playground due to the tumor thing. But everything is good with her for the moment...........(more to come about that at the end of this post)

My baby Gage is doing ok too. He seems to be disinterested in school right now but no bullying issues thus yet. He seems to be happier, but i do wonder if he has some depression. Matt has severe clinical depression and it seems to be hereditary and im terrified gage has it. But his general outlook is good. Hes getting so big and so mature. If you can say that about an 8 and half year old.

Edynn is a challenge....and so wonderful. I miss her today while im at work. Shes soooo noisy and yells constantly! I never knew a baby could be so demanding! She has such a sweet little smile and just popped out her 2nd tooth.

so, as with any other blog post for the last 3 years it begins and ends with my therapy. im happy that this blog serves as my therapy for dealing with a child with a brain tumor. I dont know what to say other than all those old crazy, anxiety riddled feelings are coming back. We have an MRI scheduled for next monday and im getting worried. I didnt even think about it until today. And now i feel like the flood gates are opening. I wont write too muvh in detail other than.........this sucks and I feel like crying.

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