Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Long time no blog

So I havent written for a long time for many reasons. I usually write on this blog while Im at work and i havent been working much lately cuz I was on maternity leave. My beautiful baby girl Edynn was born November 28th 2011. And shes been keeping me very busy!

Another reason I havent been blogging much lately is because I originally started this blog as a journal of my feelings. At the time I started this I was going through alot with MacKelty and I needed a way to get all the feelings out. Plus I didnt feel like I had anything good to say for a long time because I was beyond stressed and depressed over the possibility of losing my child.
But I am grateful for this blog because it helps me process my feelings and just get it out without burdening my family with all the bad thoughts and fears that were taking ahold of me.

So I say to you, dear readers, thankyou for listening even if I havent posted much....even if I havent posted much about the painful journey of having a child with a brain tumor. Thanks, I appreciate an outlet more than anyone knows.

Should we get to a 2011 year in review? I think we shall!

January 2011-
I seriously dont remember much from last January. Probly was just hoping to get January done with.....I hate the winter months.

Valentines day! I love Valentines day! I got my annual roses from Jay

Nothing in particular happened this month. Oh wait, we bought our little red car.

Just waiting for the freadful snow to go away this month and threw my sons first birthday party ever. It snowed that day and it was supposed to be at a we moved it to the Arctic Circle. He had a great time and lots of kids turned out. Mom and Ash made him a treasure chest cake.

Nothing much this month

Jays b-day! We went downtown and had machines guns and waffles!

love July! love summer!

Waiting for news on what to do kels tumor. It was also her birthday this month. She had a cute princess cake. Getting hugely preggo too.

MacKelty had another tumor removed. Sad,angry and worried this month. We also moved out of our house.

Living with mom and dad now. Doing better, some of the incredible stress is being lifted. Gage started at his new school and is loving it.

My b-day! We went to Braza grill for b-day dinner, it was awesome! Waiting for Edynn to come and getting massively preggo. Edynn was born on the 28th.

The first year I didnt have to work on x-mas!

I know my year in review sucks. We didnt do much and yet it feels like it was the busiest year ever. To be honest, the year was filled with anxiety,depression and anger over Kel having another brain tumor. This 2nd tumor was worse for me because I had time to stew on it and think about over and over. Maybe being all hormonal and pregnant didnt help anything huh? But the year was sprinkled with bright spots. Alot of sprikles happen to me. And for that I am grateful. So sayonara 2011! You sucked! I have a feeling 2012 is going to be alot better.

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