Friday, August 26, 2011

Ok, news on the Kelty front: surgery will be September 26th at 0600. Im relieved to say the least. When the neurosurgeon called (he, himself called, not his lackee nurse :) he said that he did not think there would be any need for chemotherapy and that he was very confident surgery would take care of the "thing". YAY!!!
So she will need to stay in the hospital for about a week again and that will be that. I was literally outside my gourd not knowing what the tumor board was going to some of you may have noticed from my last post that got deleted.....sorry if it alarmed anyone. I wrote it in a fit neurosis. Yes, my dear friends, times. Annnnnd this is my blog and im not going to apologize for it.

Anywho, I think Jay and I have come up with a plan to be able to take care of Kel. Something drastic has to be done. Well, this is hard to explain clearly. Kels medical needs are becoming increasingly EXPENSIVE!!!!!....and we cannot afford everything we have and be able to pay for everything she needs. And guess what, her medical needs come before other things that must be purchased. For example, I cant let her go without physical therapy just for us to live in the crap shack weve been residing in for the past couple of years.....besides we dont really like the "crap shack" but its ours.Like we have a mortgage on it and I painted the walls ours. But oh well, it can go and its not hurting my feelings. So we will be moving.....eventually. Back to renting....ughhhh. I am looking forward to things like if the water heater goes out we dont have to replace it......we just sit around and let the landlord fix it. I also like the fact that renting a place is going to be alot cheaper for us and we might actually have some time to do something(like maybe a small vacation) here next summer. Instead of imaginary vacations in between wiping someones rear end at work.

All in all, since I have a plan in place for Kel I can now focus on being only semi-neurotic. :)

1 comment:

  1. I like to say that everyone has their own neuroses (yes plural)... Good luck with the surgery!
